Monday, January 10, 2011

You Hold My World

This past trip to sunny Bradenton, Florida, I experienced the impact of this well-known phrase: "There's no place like home."
(Adopted from Dorothy in my all-time favorite movie, "The Wizard of Oz"

I lead a fabulous life here in Nashville. Not that I do anything worthy of mentioning or require recognition for some amazing task. When I say I lead a fabulous life, I simply mean, I live a blessed life! God has poured blessings into my life, He is continually teaching me new things everyday, I do not know the meaning of a "bad day" (well, most of the time anyway), I never want for anything, He provides for all my needs, I am surrounded by amazing friends and supported by a loving church family. BUT...

There truly is no place like home.

In college, visiting home was always great! Especially because my family lived in Florida...if nothing else, at least I knew the weather would be beautiful. :) However, by the end of my stay, I was always more than ready to return to Nashville; to see my friends, live in all-girl quarters again, and yes, even start classes. Since graduating, though, each visit home makes it a little bit harder to leave.

This past Christmas was GREAT!!! I arrived a day earlier than my family expected, providing the ultimate Christmas surprise. And boy, did I get 'em good! (Jaws hanging literally happened.) Because I am a teacher and receive 2 weeks paid vacation (thank you, Jesus!), I was able to truly get in some quality family time. After crashing from the Nashville buzz, here are some highlights of the trip:

Hiding in the back of the church van and surprising Parker & Jordan when they opened the doors...priceless
Jumping out of the kitchen when my parents returned home that night; jaws dropped, mom squealed, dad cried
Listening to my brothers jam in the den on piano, guitar, cahone... Oh, how I miss hearing them sing
Playing Yahtzee versus my Granny...the ultimate gamer
Teaching the fam how to make Oreo Balls (then delivering goodies to the Grandparents and family friends)
Savoring the wide array of Christmas goodies my Granny makes every year
Watching movies til all hours of the night with the fam
MPJ Only day out- shopping/laughing/picking on know, the usual
Sitting on the beach for hours, just listening to the waves and reading
Getting reacquainted with an old, but dear friend
Watching the bros lead worship at a new-start church
Candlelight service at church Christmas Eve; seeing old church family members and meeting new ones (and hearing the rents's been a while!)
Spending Christmas Eve with my Granny & Paw-Paw
Cooking an Italian feast for my entire family on Christmas Day (Never felt so pressured about cooking a meal before, but it actually turned out pretty delicious!)
Hearing my grandparents rave about my Italian feast (meant a lot)
Opening presents (I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a favorite event!)
Dad setting up my new vinyl turntable; rummaging through his old records & seeing his face light up with each discovery
Mom crying AND laughing when she opened her new camera (compliments of codeine)
Taking my little cousins to see "Despicable Me"
Cooking dinner for high school/teen group friends
Special lunch at a surprisingly-posh-for-Bradenton cafe with the rents for my birthday
Running into friends from high school and sharing about life (My, how it's different)
Special birthday dinner
At the last minute, deciding to stay an additional day before heading back to the cold weather

Some of the things that were difficult about being home:
1. Observing & realizing how much older my grandparents are becoming. I feel like they've aged quite a bit since I last saw them. But, I was incredibly thankful they're both doing better health-wise, and even more thankful for the time we got to spend together.
2. Leaving.

That's right, folks. This time, leaving was really hard.

As I pulled out of the driveway at 4:30am, my parents' tears began flowing even before I closed the driver-side door. I kept it together, trying to be comical for "their sake". As soon as I pulled out of the driveway though, I lost it. Tears. Fell.

This isn't college anymore. I'm not leaving to attend class, knowing that I'll return someday soon. This distance is because of a life-change I decided to make, and the time of my next return is unknown. Now, I am not regretting my life here in Nash AT ALL! I am simply stating that real-life seemed to rush at me as soon as I left the security of Bradenton. For a moment I felt as if I were tumbling through the ocean, in a current that is so strong I am forced to just flip and turn and ride it out.

Then suddenly, it hit me. As the sun began to rise, and morning light overpowered the dark of night, I was surrounded by a real Presence, right there on I-75, in my tiny yellow bug. God's presence surrounded me, calmed me, provided promises to never leave me nor forsake me. ''

I am a HUGE fan of Israel Houghton. For those of you that know me well, you are aware of my love for Black Gospel music. At that moment, one of Israel's songs, "You Hold My World in Your Hands", played through my ipod. As His Presence guided me and the lyrics of the song became true to my soul, to say that I was blaring the song would be an understatement.

I treasure the time I'm blessed with at home with my family. I love my family tremendously, and hate parting from them. But at the same time, I cannot hold on to them so tightly that God is not able to move among us. I cannot cling to who/what I know as familiar and comfortable for God won't be able to mold me and change me.

That early, early morning, I as reminded of this. And since that morning, I have begun my mornings spending time with Him- the One who holds me world in His hands. It never ceases to amaze me how much different my day unfolds when I begin the day with Him, and release my world to His Spirit.


  1. I know that feeling! But hang in there girl! You're opening yourself up to so many opportunities for growth. Sorry we passed around that flu bug. It was gross. I love and miss you!

  2. Oh Mal, this makes me laugh, smile, and cry all at the same time. I'm right there with you! The older I get the more I love and appreciate home and my sweet family and want to spend every minute with them. Soak it all in. I realized the other day that I go home more now than I did in all four years of college combined. Thankfully my parents are a little closer than yours and I get to see them quite often. So they don't get all sad when I leave. But I always tear up when I pull out of my drive way. I put on "Stop this Train" and trying to figure when all this happened. When did I grow up?
