Monday, July 4, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Every Hour I Need Thee
But don't forget that we are most vulnerable to an attack from the enemy NOT when we're at our weakest point, but when we're at ourstrongest.
What believing teacher doesn't say a prayer before the first day of school? Who doesn't murmur "God help us!" during standardized tests? Our awareness of how we are totally dependent on God is highest in stressful times because we can't imagine doing it without Him. We know we need Him to survive and don't dare try to do anything on our own.
But now, as the warm spring air fills our classrooms, it's tempting to let our guard down and try to get through the day in our own strength. It's the easiest time of year, right? We can handle it! And so we miss the opportunity to commune with the divine in our daily tasks. We shut God out and just try to make it through the last few weeks.
I'm experiencing this phenomenon on two levels this year: as an instructional coach whose school year is winding down, and as an author who has just about finished writing a second book. A few months ago when a blank computer screen taunted me, I was always on my knees. I was completely dependent on God to place every word in my heart and tell me what I need to write. But now it's tempting to think the creative work is done, and I need to focus on editing, I need to choose the cover, I need to handle the publishing technicalities. My human nature keeps concluding Thanks, God, you did great so far, but I think I've got it from here. If a minor disaster occurs, I'll be sure to check in, but otherwise, I'll be handling things myself.Kthxbye.
And so it's a conscious, daily decision to STOP. To silence my mind and feel with my spirit. To ask God:
Would You make Your presence known to me? Would You be a full part of every moment and guide me each step of the way? Don't let me get overconfident, God. Don't let me think I can do this on my own. Everything turns out better when You're involved. And every moment becomes more precious and enjoyable, knowing that You're there. Keep the song placed in my heart: "I need Thee, oh I need thee, every hour I need Thee."You placed the lyrics for that hymn in the heart of a housewife as she went about her daily routine; you directed her to write it so that we would have inspiration in even the most mundane tasks. Inspire me, too, Lord! Fill me with your presence and give meaning to every hour. Let things of great beauty come from times of monotony. Help me to be receptive to Your spirit in everything I do.
I pray that this prayer stays on your heart as you finish the school year, so that the Lord is with you every moment of every day, filling you with peace and contentment and purpose.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fabric Fun
An eternity may lapse in between my own blog posts, but I am a self-diagnosed
blog-following-junkie. As part of my daily routine, I read up on blogs, blogs, and more blogs. (You'll find a list of some of my favs to the right!)
I follow a multitude of decorating blogs, and just this week I came across a newbie:
House of Turquoise
She posts decor photos that are nothing less than uh-mazing!
The pics below depict fabrics whose colors are intoxicating on a dreary and chilly Saturday like today. May their patterns and vibrant colors cast out Winter's dreariness and help welcome a highly anticipated Springtime!
Aren't they just fabulous?!?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Healthier Version of a Classic Fave

Monday, January 10, 2011
You Hold My World
Christmas Remix