I could not be more excited about this week-long break. A break from waking up at 5:45am (well, what should be 5:45am), working 12+ hour days, and living a routine work week. Saying that lately life has been hectic would be an understatement. (But, isn't life always?) Let's just say that I am going to catch my breath this week. And I cannot contain my excitement.
Here are my plans to really soak up this time off and enjoy my absolute most favorite season- fall:
Wake up after the sun does for a change.
Slowly sip my coffee while studying The Word. (I am feeling convicted as of late for my lack of knowledge of Old Testament stories. I am reading some for the first time, and re-reading others that it may as well be the first-read.
Clean my house. Thoroughly this time.
Then make a mess in my kitchen- my pretend "craft room". I have already purchased my craft project materials, and I can't wait to get started!
Ride my bike. For longer than 10 minutes.
Lunch dates that don't involve cramming in food then racing back to a raging school cafeteria.
Reading Radical so I'm finally caught up with my small group.
Invest in my Senior High girls' group.
Perhaps delve into some professional development reading.
Pedicure with Liz before the big day! (My toes' current situation is sad.)
Carve a pumpkin.
Drink warm apple cider.
Grade some of my students' writing papers. (Ugh, I know. But because of wedding planning responsibilities, I'm currently behind, People.)
Craft some more.
Blog. Blog. Blog.
Memorize scripture. I've been slacking!
Take a long walk. A few long walks.
Cook dinner for friends and invite them over because it's just been way too long. Send them home full and happy!
Create a real craft station so I'll prevent future Mod-Podge spills on my kitchen island.
Prepare and deliver a meal for friends having their first baby this week. Hold and kiss their baby so they can enjoy a meal together!
Spend time with my mentor- in prayer and encouragement.
Eye doctor appointment. Contacts much needed.
Diabetes doctor appointment at Vandy. (Hmm...lunch out?)
Watching movies; some old classics and some newbies I haven't yet viewed.
Spend an afternoon running errands with my Grandmother. You know, the usual: Sally Beauty Supply, Kroger, gas station, Dollar Store, and Taco Bell. These are her hot spots!
Bake for my neighbors.
Laugh with my cousin coming in from Georgia. I need some real cousin time, and laughing until it hurts is always a given!
Craft some more.
Stay up late with friends like I'm not an adult working a full-time career.
Possibly camping???
Sounds like I'll be resting a lot, huh?
Truth is- I'm not much of a napper. I'll definitely catch up on some much needed sleep, but more importantly, these hobbies are what keep me "alive". At the end of my "stay-cation", I'll be refreshed, rejuvenated, and... less scattered. :)
If you had this week off of work, how would you spend your days?
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