I feel as if during this season of my life, I am in school with God. In some areas, I am blossoming through my junior year. In other areas, I am maturing through about 7th grade (you know, the awkward years of zits and braces). Yet still in others, I am only merely in 3rd grade, taking tiny steps and totally relying on my Father for my needs. The most vital part is that I am growing, and I am learning.
Throughout the craziness that this season brings- every bite-size morsel- I believe God is teaching me. The irony is that I am an educator, and it is my career to teach children. But my Spiritual Life longs for more- more learning, maturing, and growth. My relationship with my Creator beckons for my heart and mind to be stretched. This requires me to submit as a student of the Word.
I do not feel as if my current life circumstances are permanent, rather they will last for only a season. He is preparing me...for something. For what, I have no idea. And I may have no conception of when this change will commence. Of one thing I am certain, however- I want to be right where He wants me to be. No, I need to be right where He wants me to be. I want to be so in tune with His will that I cannot discern His desires from my own. I desire to be so deeply rooted in His Word that I can clearly hear His voice. I am determined to live a life that is pleasing in His sight. This begins now- with the position and opportunities He has provided me with today.
The reason I am writing this is simply because this concept of being "in school" with God has been on my heart. I am so thankful for the patience, and love, and grace, and mercy that my Teacher offers freely every single day. I am so thankful He does not throw chaos or confusion at me and passively stand-by to assess my response. My heart is full of thanks for His ever faithful leading and guiding...no matter how many assignments or quizzes I may fail without truly recognizing His instructing.
May we look upon each other with loving and graceful eyes. May we continually lift one another up; encourage one another with righteous acts. May we realize that we are all merely students, each at various levels, but all seeking and learning together.