I do not remember Parker and Jordan being born. I do, however, remember them coming home from the hospital. My innocent four year old mind could not wrap itself around these two little beings entering into our tiny Georgia home. All I wanted to do was play with them- dress them up and play "house". However, since newborn babies require much sleep, playing with these tiny bundles 24/7 was not a possibility. Once this realization set in, I was unsure of my feelings towards these two bald little men.
Our childhood together was filled with numerous memorable times- laughing, singing, playing, fighting, teasing, and locking the youngest one outside (sorry, Jo). Although my previous conception was that these two boys were born to be my servants, over the years we have formed an incredible relationship. (And I no longer require them to put my crown on my head and carry the train of my night gown.)
As I have watched these two boys grow up, I am amazed by these two young men God has so graciously gifted to my life. They are amazingly talented! I cannot wait to see where their brilliance takes them. They embrace God's love and emit His presence by their everyday existence. They are, and always have been, absolutely hysterical! They are definitely the comic relief to my life, and sunshine in my world. Not only are they my brothers, but they are two of the best friends I will ever know in this life.
Why am I writing this half-reminescent, half-cheesy note about my younger brothers? They have recently moved here to Nashville to attend Trevecca, and my heart simply could not be happier that we now live in the same town again! To be able to spend the weekend with them, cook dinner for them, escort them on a Wal-Mart run, worship at church together, and even allow them to borrow my car makes me happier than anything. My heart is full of anticipation for what lies ahead of them. God will continue to work amazingly in their young lives! No matter what life circumstances may be thrown our way, I am just thankful to be on this crazy journey we call life alongside the two of them.
I love you, Parker and Jordan, so very much. And I'm so glad we're together again!